Shaila Visser

In this episode of The Change Makers Podcast, Shaila Visser discusses the shift to virtual community, the importance of taking a sabbath and how hypothesis testing allows your organization to be agile in a world that is always changing. This is a great advice for non-profit, ministry and church leaders. Before you listen to this episode (maybe even for the 2nd time), here are three Change Maker Moments from Shaila. 

3 Insights From Shaila Visser

1. The Importance of Trying

There was a time in Alpha’s ministry where they wanted to try something that they had never done before. Just before lockdown measures were put in place, Alpha began shifting their efforts to building a virtual community. She details an encounter with a partner of Alpha when they were launching video content for youth, and the partner said “we don’t think this will work, but we are going to support you.” It’s important to build your organization with those who will take risks and try.

2. Take Rest

In the early stages of the pandemic, something that really grounded Shaila was going for walks in the morning, and being able to really appreciate nature and all that it had to offer. It was important for her to rest and clear her head. This was a life-giving practice that helped get her through those early stages of the pandemic. 

3. Take a Different Path

Shaila Visser

Although the values and mission of Alpha Canada have not changed, the path that the organization has taken to get there has changed. By using new methods, they were able to restructure the way forward and decided to focus on new avenues that have strengthened their organization as a whole. Want to hear the full conversation? Click here to listen in and learn more from Shaila Visser.

About Shaila

Shaila Visser is the National Director of Alpha Canada, Global Senior Vice-President for Alpha International, and Executive Producer of both The Alpha Youth Film Series (2013) and The Alpha Film Series (2016). Prior to her work with Alpha, Shaila was on staff with Power to Change in Canada. She has been involved in vocational ministry for over 20 year,  studying evangelism and evangelistic responses in non-profits and the church. Shaila has a heart for people coming to know Jesus and helping the local church flourish. She is known for her strategic leadership and her ability to bring people together. She is recognized as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Christian Women in Canada. Shaila lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband Ryan, a K9 Unit Police Officer, and two four-legged family members, Blade and Talon.


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